
In order to create a dependency container, components must be registered within a dic.container.ContainerBuilder. The container builder controls how components will be resolved. Consider a builder as a ‘spec’ for how the container should be built.

Some key points:

  1. The order of registration does not matter
  2. A container builder may build multiple containers, each of which will be independent

Registering Classes

Core to dic is class registration. dic uses Python 3 annotations to provide ‘hints’ for the types of dependencies that components require. The annotations provide a ‘compile safe’ way of referencing types without creating any hard dependencies on the container, or other dic types.

class OtherDependency(object):

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self, dependency: OtherDependency):

builder = dic.container.ContainerBuilder()

container =
# use the container

A dic.container.DependencyResolutionError will be raised during a .resolve(...) call if an annotation is provided, but no component registered.

Registering Instances

An already-created dependency can be registered directly. This is useful if you’re integrating with other projects, or migrating to dic.

class MyExternalThing(object):

instance = MyExternalThing()

builder = dic.container.ContainerBuilder()
builder.register_instance(MyExternalThing, instance)

container =
# use the container

Note that:

  1. Scopes do not apply to components registered in this way
  2. Aliases can still be specified with the register_as argument

Custom Registration

Lastly, a callback can be provided to create components in any way you want. This provides a good way of integrating things that don’t play nicely with dic, or components that you don’t have control of.

  1. Scopes are respected
  2. Aliases can still be specified with the register_as argument

3. The callback is called with a component context that can be used to resolve other dependencies. Do not store this context, as it can only be used for the scope of the context callback.

class OtherThing(object):

class MySpecialThing(object):
    def __init__(self, other_thing):

def create_my_thing(component_context):
    return MyExternalThing(component_context.resolve(OtherThing))

builder = dic.container.ContainerBuilder()

builder.register_callback(MySpecialThing, create_my_thing)
# or as a lambda
# builder.register_callback(MySpecialThing, lambda context: MySpecialThing(context.resolve(OtherThing))

container =
# use the container

Aliases (register_as)

It’s possible to register callbacks and classes under multiple types. This is useful if you want a specialised implementation available as its base class.

If register_as isn’t specified, then the type of the given component will be used instead. register_as can be:

  1. A list; or
  2. A tuple; or
  3. A single item
class BaseDependency(object):

class SpecialDependency(BaseDependency):

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self, dependency: BaseDependency):

builder = dic.container.ContainerBuilder()
builder.register_class(SpecialDependency, register_as=BaseDependency)

# or available as both:
# builder.register_class(SpecialDependency, register_as=(BaseDependency, SpecialDependency))

container =
# use the container

Technically any python object can be used as an alias, but to keep things simple and “self documenting” only types are recommended.


Modules are simple classes that help provide clarity when building the container. To use them, derive from dic.container.Module and register the instance of the module when building the container. For example:

class Filesystem(object):

class WindowsFilesystem(Filesystem):

class DefaultFilesystem(Filesystem):

class FilesystemModule(dic.container.Module):
    def load(self, builder):
        if == 'nt':
            builder.register_class(WindowsFilesystem, register_as=[Filesystem])
            builder.register_class(DefaultFilesystem, register_as=[Filesystem])

# building the container now has none of this logic
builder = dic.container.ContainerBuilder()

container =

fs = container.resolve(Filesystem)


Scopes model how long resolved components should live for.

Instance Per Dependency (Default)

The default scope is to create a new instance each time the component is resolved.

class ManyOfThese(object):

builder = dic.container.ContainerBuilder()
# this is the default, but shows how the scope can be set
builder.register_class(ManyOfThese, component_scope=dic.scope.InstancePerDependency)

container =
# use the container

Single Instance

Models a ‘singleton’, no matter how many times the component is resolved, only one instance will be created.

class OneOfThese(object):

builder = dic.container.ContainerBuilder()
builder.register_class(OneOfThese, component_scope=dic.scope.SingleInstance)

container =
# use the container
only_one = container.resolve(OneOfThese)
other_only_one = container.resolve(OneOfThese)

# only_one is the same instance as other_only_one

Custom Scopes

Scopes are highly extensible, it’s possible to create new scopes by deriving from dic.scope.Scope.

For example, a scope that creates a dependency per calling thread may look like:

class ThreadingScope(dic.scope.Scope):
    def __init__(self)
        # thread -> instance
        self._instances = {}
        self._scope_lock = threading.RLock()

    def instance(self, create_function):
        with self._scope_lock:
            thread_id = threading.current_thread().ident
            if thread_id not in self.instances:
                self._instances[thread_id] = create_function()
            return self._instances[thread_id]

# use the scope
builder = dic.container.ContainerBuilder()
builder.register_class(MyClass, component_scope=ThreadingScope)
# ...

Note that the above is a sample. The instances will live beyond the threads.